Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Boys: All Star Simplified

Due to lack of practice time, we simplified some of the dance.  Please use this video as a reference.  It's not perfect and you can't see all of the steps, but it should be a good guide.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sr. Girls: Catch a Falling Star

Here's the tap routine.  I filmed it in mirror image, which is how I teach my classes, so the dancers should be familiar with it.  Write down any questions they have with the dance and send them to class so we can work on resolving them during class.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sr. Girls Dance: When You Wish Upon A Star

I performed the dance as a mirror image so the girls do not have to flip it around while doing it.  So if I raise my right hand, the girls will face the TV (or computer) and raise their left hand.  This is how I've been teaching the dance classes, so it should be familiar to them.  When we perform we will have wands that we'll use.  Since we don't have the wands yet, we are using straws for practice.  If your daughter has any questions while practicing, please write these down and send them to class with her so we can be sure to address them.  Also, there were a couple times in the video where I had to back up so that I would still be in the shot, please disregard these steps.  The dancers should know when they're supposed to be backing up and when they're not.  :)

Boys Dance: All Star

The video is not perfect and there's a whole section in the middle where Mike is my "helper" but gets a little lost.  But it should give them a good idea of when to do the moves and how.  It's a fast song, but I'm confident they can do it.  :)  I did the dance in Kai's place, so Kai should do just as I did.  I did not do it in mirror image (like with the other videos) because there were a couple parts that were too difficult for me to invert.  Nathan's part is mostly the same as Kai's but with a couple parts where he mirrors Kai or does something a little different, and he should be aware of those parts. Oh, there's a part where I say "this is where they do the worm" but I don't actually do it.  I'm afraid of re-injuring my back, so I won't be doing the worm, but I'd like the boys to give it a try.  Take notes on where they get confused when practicing it at home and bring those to class each week.  :)  Good luck!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

2012 Fall Dance Classes Starting Soon!

Kreative Kids Dance will be starting fall classes soon!
All classes are an hour long and cost $22/month.  A dance recital will be held in the spring (either late March or early April).  The students age as of June 1st will determine which class they will attend.  Each class MUST have 5-8 students enrolled for the class to take place.  If too few students are enrolled we will dissolve the class.  Class fees will be due the first day of classes.  Classes will start the week after Labor Day.
I am open negotiating goods and services in exchange for discounted or total class fees.  I am specifically looking for photographers (for our spring recital and/or someone to do my family pictures) and someone to watch my kids at my home during Tuesday and Wednesday classes.  If you have another service or skill (babysitting, bread making, sewing, etc) let me know and we'll try to work something out.  :)

* 3yr-4yr Girls and Boys: Thursdays at 4pm
-These classes will be taught by Jenna Anderson and will be held her home in Wauwatosa (near North Ave and Mayfair Rd)
-Classes will focus on creative movement as well as various dance styles including ballet and tap.

*5yr-9yr Girls Class: Wednesdays at 4pm
-These classes will be taught by Robyn Larson and will be held in her home in Wauwatosa (on Watertown Plank Rd, near the medical complex)
-Classes will focus on ballet and tap as well as exploration in jazz, folk, hip-hop and modern dance.

*5yr-9yr Boys Class: Tuesdays at 4pm
-These classes will be taught by Robyn Larson and will be held in her home in Wauwatosa (on Watertown Plank Rd, near the medical complex)
-Classes will focus on hip-hop, jazz, stomp and an introduction to break-dancing.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dance Videos

Hi Dancers!
I didn't want everyone to forgot the dances over the Christmas break, so I made videos of the dances we've been working on so you can still practice and keep it fresh. Please practice these as much as you can! We'll all be learning one more dance before the recital (which will be March 23rd, with practices on the 20th). So if you can get these dances down before we start up again in January, that'd be great!
Just a note: Some of the dances have been changed a bit from how we had been practicing them. After I recorded them the first time I decided some of the movements looked kinda funny, so I made a few changes and recorded them again. So please please please watch the videos and practice them!
I'd also like to thank my assistants: Mike and Esther. Without them, the head shoulders knees and toes video wouldn't be the same. :)
Can't wait to see you Jan 3rd! :) Merry Christmas Everyone!

Everyone: Head Shoulders Knees and Toes

This one is for everyone to participate in. Listen to my vocal cues in this one.